FAQ for Crystal

Most frequent questions and answers

The first thing you must do once you have your crystal should be to cleanse it and then program it for the purpose you want it to work for you.

There are various ways that you can choose from to cleanse your crystals, read our in depth article here

All crystals must be cleansed from time to time to maintain its optimum health and potency.

Frequency of cleansing your crystal would depend upon the type of crystal being used and its usage.

A good rule of thumb is to clear all of your stones at least once a month or weekly if you are using it daily.

If you feel that your stone is feeling heavier than usual, go ahead and cleanse it. You don’t have to wait for a specific time between cleansings.

The stone should feel energetically and physically lighter to the touch.

Programming a crystal is done basically to work with a crystal for a very specific purpose. It is a way of communicating with the crystal what it is you need it most for, so it can help you towards your need or desire.

Crystals do not have to be programmed to work. Programming harnesses the energies, it does not add anything that is missing in it for it to work.

When you program a crystal you are setting a crystal clear intention for what you need help with.

Programming gives your crystal a laser like focus. It will do what it can to help you and however it can. When you do so, you see more results, even if you’re not actively using the crystals.

Crystals can be fragile, so handling them with tender love and care is essential. When you’re not using your crystals you can keep them inside in a pouch or wrapped in a silk scarf to keep them safe.

No, they all work in perfect harmony because they are an extension of nature’s innate balance.

Both are possible.

If there is something that you need in life that you might not be addressing or If there is something that would help you must focus in your life, there is a high possibility that you will get drawn to a particular crystal or a crystal will pop out to you without any reason.

Crystals are strongly connected to your energy and intuition as they have a consciousness of their own.

If someone is extremely skeptical & are not willing to talk or know about Crystals then they must do what feels comfortable to them.

If someone does not resonate with crystals or it doesn’t sound good for them, then they should not go ahead and engage in it because if you choose to be closed , you will not be able to open up your energy to anything.

However, if you’re interested or curious to know about crystals, you can just pick one. There will be no harm. Besides, crystals are a part of the earth so even if you do not want to open yourself up to their energies, they are still beautiful pieces of stone to look at.

Crystals are not a magical wand – they don’t put a magic spell on you. 

Rather, they will help you in enhancing the work you’re already doing.

So if you make a choice to change the way you think or feel about yourself emotionally and mentally, crystals can help you with that.

Don’t be under the impression that once you get a crystal and start using them your whole life will be transformed overnight. 

You have to actively engage with your own journey and evolve in your life journey. Crystals can compliment in your life journey to make it more beautiful.

Remember : A crystal will not fix your problems. It you who will have to do the work, but crystals will help you making those changes.

It is very individual specific. The more open and receptive you are, the quicker you will feel their impact and see the results. They can work as fast as you do.

Crystals work forever but it is important to maintain them by the way cleansing and storing them properly.

Do not throw your crystals just because they crack, chip or break. If a crystal breaks it signifies either a release of energy or a change in energy or sometimes it could simply be by accident. Don’t worry you would now have two pieces of crystals to work with !

If you wish to dispose of your crystals, please say Thank you to them first for coming into your life and then you can bury them in the soil or in nature.
Please do not dump them in the garbage.