Crystals are incredibly giving. They share their beauty, and power of healing, with their Owners, seeking only to amplify humanity’s best and highest potential. 

As you nourish your crystals, they will nourish you. Crystals have a consciousness, so right from the time they were mined, polished and packed before it reached you, it would have absorbed all sorts of energies on its way.

Thus, it’s important for us to cleanse them timely to make most of their energies.


The first and foremost step after you have received your crystals should be cleansing them.

There are a number of ways to cleanse your crystals . You can choose any one amongst the listed below, whichever you resonate the most with;

Remember whichever ritual you choose to do, it’s all about your intention. Ensure that you do it with a peaceful, and calm mind & with a smile on your face and gratitude in your heart.

Running Water

The easiest and quickest method of cleansing your crystal is simply by holding it under running water. However, some crystals like Selenite, Pyrite, Malachite, Bumblebee Jasper, Amber, can be cleansed with any other method other than running water or salt water. 

Salt Water Bath

Keep your crystals soaked in Salt Water for 30 mins & clean them under the running water and while you do so, keep an intention that all the negative and unwanted energies are being expelled and removed from the crystal. 

Note: The above two methods are not suitable for all crystals as the salt or running water can cause harm to the crystal. Usually all crystals ending with -ite like Selenite, Pyrite, Malachite, Hematite, Moldivite, Howlite, Calcite, Angelite, Kynite, , , Hematite, Moldivite, Howlite, Calcite, Angelite, Kynite, are damaged by salt water. Stones like Obsidian, Opal, Carnelian, Rohdonite, Amber, Lapis Lazuli, Flourite, Turqouise, Bumblebee Jasper should not be cleansed with the above mentioned methods as water can harm them.


Singing Bowl: You can hold the Singing bowl in one hand and let it sound above the crystals. Gently strike the side with the stick and slowly rub the rim or outer edge of the Singing Bowl in a clockwise direction for few times. As you do so, remember to keep an intention that with the vibration of the sound waves all of the unwanted energies are being removed from the crystal. Do not put your crystals in the Singing Bowl.

Crystal Bath

Crystals can be easily cleansed by being placed on other crystals such as Selenite for 24 hours. Selenite has great properties of cleansing. 

Crystal clusters such as Blue Kyanite, Clear Quartz, Citrine or Amethyst are also options for cleansing your Crystals.This method can be used with any type of crystal.


You can place all your crystals overnight at a place from where the Moon is or would be visible from at some point in time through the night.

While you do this ritual, just do a quick Thank you prayer to the moon energies for cleansing your crystals.

You can remove the crystals first thing in the morning. 

Tip: You can choose do this ritual every once in a month on the Full Moon day as the energies at that time are very powerful.


You can give a quick 30 min. Sunbath to your crystals. The process is the same as Moonlight. The only thing is for cleansing your crystals through Sun Prana you need not keep your crystals for the whole day, 30 mins is sufficient.


This is a simple yet powerful ritual, you can keep your crystals in your hand or at your altar and do a quick prayer keeping an intention for cleansing the crystals of any lower vibration energies. 

You can say this prayer mentally or aloud “Dear God/ Universe/ Creator & Angels of Light thank you so much for clearing away all the unwanted energies from the crystals. Thank you for purifying & blessing it with your energies. So It is. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

The method can be used with any type of crystal.

Rice Cleansing

Put some dry, uncooked rice into any container or any clean bowl.

Immerse your crystal in the center of the rice mound, cover it entirely from all sides.

Let it sit 24 hours before removing it from the container. You must not eat that rice as it would have the unwanted energies it has pulled out of your crystal.

Use your intuition to feel what variety of rice works best for you.

The Rice Cleanse ritual can be used with any type of crystal.

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